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Limitation of Liability

User agreement

The visitor / user of the pages and services of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website with VAT number: 039299739 grants his consent to the following terms of use, which apply to all the content, pages, graphics, images, photos and files included on the website of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI. Therefore, you must carefully read these terms before visiting or using the pages and services of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website. Therefore, you must carefully read these terms before visiting or using the pages and services of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website. If he does not agree, then he must not use the services and content of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website. The visitor / user is requested to check the content of the specific pages for possible changes. The continuation of the use of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website. even after any changes means the visitor / user's unconditional acceptance of these terms.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

Apart from the expressly mentioned exceptions (copyrights of third parties, partners and entities), all the content of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website, including images, graphics, photos, plans, texts, the services provided and generally all the files of this site, are intellectual property, registered marks and service marks of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI and are protected according to the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions. Consequently, none of them may be in whole or in part sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished or "uploaded", transmitted or distributed in any way. The case of the individual storage of a single copy of part of the content on a simple personal PC (electronic computer) for personal and not public or commercial use and without erasing the indication of their origin from the DIMOU AIKATERINI website is excluded. without prejudice in any way to the relevant intellectual and industrial property rights. The other products or services mentioned on the online pages of this site and bearing the marks of the respective organizations, companies, partner bodies, associations or manufacturers, are their own intellectual and industrial property and therefore these bodies bear the relevant responsibility.


Guest / user responsibility

The visitor / user of the pages and services of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website assumes responsibility for any damage caused to the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website by bad or unfair use of the relevant services.


Limitation of responsibility MUNICIPALITY OF AKATERINI

Under any circumstances, including the case of negligence, the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website is not responsible for any form of damage suffered by the visitor / user of the pages, services, options and contents of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website, which he/she does on his own initiative and with the knowledge of the terms of the present.

The contents of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website are provided "as is" without any warranty expressed or implied in any way. To the fullest extent and in accordance with the law, the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, those implying merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and contents will be provided without interruption, without errors and that errors will be corrected.

Also, the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website does not guarantee that the same or any other related site or the "servers" through which they are made available to you, are provided without "viruses" or other harmful components.

The MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website does not under any circumstances guarantee the correctness, completeness or availability of the contents, pages, services, options or their results. The cost of possible corrections or services is borne by the visitor / user and in no case by the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI. Participation in contests and posting of photos by a guest / user

The visitor / user of the pages of the services and the blog of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website declares and guarantees: 1. That he is the creator himself and has all the relevant intellectual property rights and any other rights on every posted photo that he uploads to the site/blog for his participation in the competition (???) or that he has secured the relevant intellectual property rights and any other rights on each posted photo. He also declares that the photographs do not depict minors under the age of 14 and that he has received the express and unconditional consent of all persons depicted in the works and the owners of the premises or animals, which may be depicted in them, for the granting of their relevant rights to the area required for the needs of the present.

That in any case he is solely and exclusively responsible towards the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI Company in the event of a breach of his above guarantees, and assumes exclusively any responsibility in the event of any claim by any third party in relation to his participation or on the occasion thereof (including any claims in relation to rights to the photo(s), personality rights, etc.). That each nomination is the intellectual property of its creator.

The visitor / user of the service pages and the blog of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website declares that he grants the company of MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI the right to publish - exhibit - print in a photo album his photos for any purpose including for the display and promotion of the blog with the condition of mentioning his name, except for commercial exploitation, Every visitor / user of the pages, services and blog of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI is fully responsible for the content of every photo he posts.


Links to other sites

The MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website does not control the availability, content, personal data protection policy, quality and completeness of the services of other websites and pages to which it refers through "links", hyperlinks or advertising banners. Therefore, for any problem that occurs when visiting / using them, you must contact the respective web sites and pages directly, which bear the relevant responsibility for the provision of their services. the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI should under no circumstances be considered to endorse or accept the content or services of the web sites and pages to which it refers or to be connected to them in any other way.


"Links" (links) to the website of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI

"Links" to the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI are only allowed to its main page and not to the pages that have (possibly) an access code, unless there is an express agreement to the contrary between the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI and the entity referring to it. Moreover, these "links" must only be created through hyperlinks and not through images.


Statement on the Processing of the Visitor's Personal Data

I declare that I have been informed by the Processing Manager (AIKATERINI MUNICIPALITY) and I specifically and freely give my consent for the collection, keeping in an (electronic or non-electronic) file and processing on behalf of the AIKATERINI MUNICIPALITY, in accordance with the provisions of Law 2472/97, of my personal data, which are declared in the Registration Form, in the context of visiting the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI website and/or purchasing products on my behalf from the above website and whose personal data will be the recipient and processed by the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI, for this purpose.I also declare that I have been informed that, after verification of my identity, in accordance with articles 12 and 13 of Law 2472/97, I have the right to access and object to the personal data concerning me, which are the subject of processing, as well as Any relevant request of mine should be addressed in writing to (DIMOU AIKATERINI: Responsible Mr. DIMOU AIKATERINI legal representative. Finally, I undertake the obligation to promptly inform DIMOU AIKATERINI of any change in my above personal data.

DIMOU AIKATERINI undertakes that it will limit itself to the legal processing of only the absolutely necessary for the purposes of the processing of personal data, as will be declared by me or with his assistance and that it will avoid the registration of sensitive data.

DIMOU AIKATERINI is committed to maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of the above data, the processing of which will be carried out exclusively and only at the behest of ANNA MARIA MAZARAKI SA, by persons who meet the guarantees and conditions to ensure the observance of confidentiality and the which are under the control of the MUNICIPALITY OF AIKATERINI.

DIMOU AIKATERINI undertakes to take all necessary technical or organizational measures for the security of data and their protection against accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, prohibited dissemination or access and any other unlawful processing.

I have the right to access the above data that concern me personally, as well as the right to object, in accordance with articles 12 and 13 of Law 2472/1997 respectively.


Right of withdrawal

The user/customer can receive the products ordered without any commitment. In case he changes his mind or if, despite all the attention that DIMOU AIKATERINI pays to the quality of their products, he is not satisfied with them, he can return the products he wants. In such cases, DIMOU AIKATERINI undertakes to immediately refund the value of the returned product, in the same way as the original transaction. In accordance with the provision of article 4 par. 10 of Law 2251/1994 concerning distance contracts, the aforementioned right of withdrawal can be exercised by the user/customer by notifying the Company, without reason, within 14 days from date of receipt of the product concerned. For his part, the user/customer must return the said product to the Company, intact, in its original packaging, bearing the return costs. Any returns are accepted by the Company only for products that are returned intact, in their original condition, together with the proof of retail sale and without their original packaging being damaged. Return costs are borne by the sender and are charged at €5 for urban areas and €8 for the rest.


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